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Hawkesley Church Primary Academy

Hawkesley Church
Primary Academy

Photo of the playground
Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Life at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16


No child should suffer harm, either at home or at school. Everyone in our school has the responsibility to make sure all people, especially young people, are safe and work in a safe environment.
The school has clear expectations about the behaviour of all employees and visitors. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child at our academy you should voice your concerns to:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Claire Richardson (Deputy Head Teacher)

 Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Miss P Poleon (Head Teacher)

Miss E Green (Assistant Head Teacher)

Mr A Sale (Inclusion Lead) 

Mrs D Grainger (Attendance and Safeguarding Mentor)

Mrs M. Preston-Hunt (Family Support Worker)

 The Prevent Duty
Prevent Single Point of Contact (SPOC) - Miss P Poleon

If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding a member of staff, speak to Miss P Poleon (Headteacher) immediately.

There are three downloads available on this page. The academy's safeguarding and child protection policy, the academy's preventing radicalisation policy plus the DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance for 2020.

Useful information about Safeguarding in Birmingham can be found here: 

Birmingham Children’s Trust Birmingham Children’s Trust exists to make a positive difference for children, young people and families in the city. It is our job to work with the most disadvantaged children and young people of Birmingham and keep them safe, happy and healthy.

M.A.S.H. (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) Birmingham MASH is the first port of call for anyone with a child safeguarding concern.

Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board The Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board has a statutory duty to co-ordinate how agencies work together to safeguard and promote the well being of children and young people in Birmingham and to ensure the effectiveness of the safeguarding arrangements.

Parenting Courses and Support Founded in 2000 Netmums is the UK's fastest-growing online parenting organisation with over 1.7 million members and 8 million unique users each month. Netmums is a family of local sites that cover the UK, each site offering information to mothers on everything from where to find playgroups and how to eat healthily to where to meet other mothers.

NSPCC -Services for children, families and professionals We support parents and families in caring for their children, we provide therapeutic services to help children move on from abuse and we help professionals make the best decisions for children, across the UK.

Right Help, Right Time Information Delivering effective support for children and families in Birmingham. Guidance for Practitioners

Hectors World Safety Button - The Hector’s World Online Safety Button is a simple file which you can download here for free onto your computer. The file installs a swimming Hector’s World™ character  on the computer screen.  A child can just click on Hector character if they see something they don't like. This covers the screen with a beautiful underwater scene and gives the child a positive written message,  while encouraging them to get adult help.

Thinkyouknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

 If you or your child are worried or upset about something which has happened on the internet there is help out there. Click the link below: