'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
Remote Learning at Hawkesley
Please click on the link below to find out more about our Remote Learning provision:
Remote Learning Information for Parents
Here at Hawkesley, we work to ensure that every child is able to access their education, we sent out a questionnaire to ascertain: what devices children were using; if they had internet access and if the device was their own.
We have also made educational activities available in a range of formats: work packs and online etc, so that they are accessible to all, reducing the risk of pupils being left behind.
Due to mobile devices being the most popular device we use formats (like PDFs) that can be viewed on mobile devices so it is easy to access. We also have identified teaching resources that can be easily printed and posted.
With children spending more time online, as a school we have focused on providing lots of information and help around E-safety.
If offline…
Those families who request or need hard copies have them delivered a week at a time. Pupils using hard copies can then submit work by taking photos on their phones and texting or emailing them to their teachers. We ask parents to do this on behalf of their younger children. Teachers are then able to make phone calls home to provide formative feedback. Phone tuition will also take place with these families.
Remote learning for all:
Effective communication channels are important to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Here at Hawkesley we use video calls, instant messaging and weekly phone calls to support pupils with their learning needs.
Our Online learning Platform: Class Dojo is equipped with: voice-to-text and text-to-speech conversion, or different viewing formats to support pupils with dyslexia and other special educational needs. Scaffolded lessons and support has been tailored to individual needs to prevent children falling further behind.
Our SEND pupils will get twice-weekly phone calls from our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to support their learning. Weekly meetings are at the core of inclusive practices at Hawkesley. The SEN department will have weekly online team meetings to discuss the pupils with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. Each pupil has been allocated a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) link to contact the pupil and their parents or carers on a weekly basis to check in and to offer support. LSAs continue to run booster lessons with targeted groups of pupils via Dojo.
Using existing technology:
Here at Hawkesley we know most pupils and families are familiar with Class Dojo and recorded videos: so, videos of live lessons, work packs and tutorials are uploaded onto the class pages and the school's own website. These can be accessed anytime and revisited when needed in order to consolidate learning.
Providing training:
Not all teachers, parents and pupils will feel confident using technology to support remote education. To help all teachers and pupils make the best use of technology and tools, we have identified anyone who may need additional help and will provide one to one training with these individuals, staff are also under going training to aid in their use and delivery. Teachers are currently being trained to provide learning through Class Dojo and Live lessons. Pupils and staff have been allocated Class Pages and training is in place.
Effective teaching during remote learning:
Teachers will have a good understanding of what effective teaching practice looks like in a classroom setting, and we will try to replicate these during remote learning.
Some teaching practices will need additional planning to work well. This will include providing pupils with different ways of explaining concepts or identifying any likely misconceptions in advance.
In principle, the fundamentals of teaching a remote lesson are the same as teaching a classroom lesson, we will revisit prior learning, chunking up new knowledge, teacher explanations and modelling, scaffolding, pupil practice, learning checks, will be carried out.
However, a normal classroom lesson would be dialogue-rich with lots of questioning and the teacher getting feedback all of the time, this amount of feedback isn’t as readily available in an online lesson, therefore teacher explanations need to be planned more thoroughly and teachers have had additional training on providing feedback remotely.
Feedback and assessment:
Feedback will be given on submitted work, in real-time in live lessons and teachers will be building formative assessment and feedback into their teaching approach through a mixture of quizzes, digital tools and modelling of good answers. These will help teachers understand how pupils are achieving.