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Hawkesley Church Primary Academy

Hawkesley Church
Primary Academy

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'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16

Religious Education at Hawkesley

At Hawkesley Church Primary Academy, we aim to provide every child with the opportunity to ‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew, 5:16). RE is an essential, contributing component to facilitating this within our learning community and aims to celebrate the rich, culturally diverse society that our children are growing up in today. 

As a Church of England and Methodist School, we ensure that there is direct teaching about John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. We seek to provide our pupils with the opportunity to: acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice; interact with Biblical text and theological ideas; and be engaged and challenged through an exploration of core concepts and questions.

Our vision is to ensure that children leave our school with the ability to enjoy the full and free liberty of thinking for themselves. We believe it is paramount to explore other world faiths in order to celebrate and foster an awareness of the differences that exist within our academy, community and the wider world. It is essential that our RE curriculum ensures that we enable the children to show respect for diversity and differences, whilst simultaneously encouraging them to identify the similarities.

Our school values and ethos underpin and drive everything we do here at Hawkesley Church Primary. Our Christian vision is seen as an expression of God’s limitless love and grace, illuminating the greatness in everyone, so they can 'Let their light shine'. It reflects our school’s distinctively inclusive and aspirational culture. This leads everyone here at Hawkesley to live out a bold and empowering spirit that characterises decision making and forward planning by leaders and governors.

RE is taught through two main strands, these are: Learning of - focusing on religious literacy and facts and Learning from - focusing on spiritual development.

RE lessons at Hawkesley are taught in four parts:

  • Engage and connect 
  • Enquire and reflect
  • Explore and Apply
  • Express and Create

The lesson structure helps enable children to engage with a concept that they know and make connections within their own world.

Teachers then help children enquire and reflect on the concept by modelling the concept and making connections - helping them step into a world of Religion and learn about it and the application of beliefs.

Children then explore the learning through religious texts, communities, poetry, artwork and practices. Applying critical and evaluative thinking skills to the key question and consider the evidence.

At the end of the RE lesson children will then express through different forms, what the learning has meant to them personally, helping them to reflect on their own spiritual journey and opinions.

RE Policy


RE Rationale and Purpose

RE Overview

RE Progression


RE Implementation PowerPoint

RE EYFS to KS1 Bridging document

RE KS2 to KS3 Bridging document


RE Impact in learning about and from practices and ways of life.