'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
LAB Parent Member Vacancies
We presently have 2 Parent LAB member vacancies. Please click on the link below for further information.
Please note that the nominations period will open on 11th March and close at 12 noon on Friday 26th March 2021
Parent LAB Member Vacancies
Meet Our LAB
Our Governors work extremely hard to ensure that Hawkesley Church Primary Academy continues on its rapid journey of improvement. The LAB meets after every half term. At these meetings, all elements of school improvements are discussed, including the financial position of the academy.
Reverend Larry Wright Chair of LAB Safeguarding Governor Foundation Governor
Revd Larry Wright is the vicar of St Nicolas' Church, Kings Norton which is part of the Kings Norton Team ministry. He grew up in Birmingham and served in two parishes in North Birmingham until coming to Kings Norton in 2016. He has been chair of governors in north Birmingham and is particularly keen to foster links between school, home and wider community. He is also a governor at Kings Norton Primary school and St Nicolas' church also has regular visits from other schools in the area. The link between the school and church is an important part of fostering our Christian ethos and we hope to build upon this link for the mutual benefit of both.
Mark Carr Vice-Chair of LAB
Mark is a highly experienced and respected Headteacher of Holly Hill Methodist/Church of England Infant school.
Revd David Booker Foundation Governor
Mrs Emma Philpot Parent Governor |
Hazel Atwell Foundation Methodist Governor
Mrs Michele Fulwood
Michele Fulwood is the Head of school support within the BDMAT and brings a wealth of knowledge to the school's Local Academy Board.
Mrs Emily MartinClass TeacherStaff Governor
Emily is a teacher at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy and is the elected staff governor. |
Mr Adam SaleClass teacherStaff Governor
Adam Sale is a teacher at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy and is the elected staff governor.
Mrs Kirsten Rhodes Clerk to the Local Academy Board |
Our Chair of the LAB may be contacted via the Academy's office. All correspondence should be clearly marked
'Private and Confidential'
Revd. Larry Wright, Chair of LAB
Hawkesley Church Primary Academy
376 Shannon Road
Kings Norton
Birmingham B38 9TR