'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
SEND and Inclusion at Hawkesley Church Primary Academy
At Hawkesley Church Primary Academy we are proud to have a positive ethos of inclusion for all our children that have additional or special educational needs. All staff, in liaison with parents, work hard to ensure the needs of all children with any additional need are supported and challenged.
All teaching staff endeavour to ensure that all children make progress and achieve to the best of their ability regardless of their starting point, this includes progress socially, personally, morally and spiritually; regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, social background, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs. We recognise that sometimes children may need extra support to achieve to their full potential. This may sometimes mean that they have access to members of the Inclusion team.
For further information, you may find it useful to view the Birmingham Local Offer, our SEND Policy and our School Local Offer. Click on this link to access the Birmingham Local Offer website https://www.localofferbirmingham.co.uk/
If you are unable to find the answer to any of your questions or if you are worried about your child’s progress, please contact our SENCO,
Mr Adam Sale
enquires@hawkesley.bham.sch.uk FAO: SENDCO
0121 4596467
Hawkesley's Local Offer & SEND Report
SEND Policy Access to Education
To see how we support a range of SEND learners in all subjects, please see the documents below.